Our Mission
Our core values of honesty, integrity, and commitment to deliver on time every time are important to us. We are honest and transparent in all our dealings with clients, employees and associates.
We are committed to growing our business through providing genuine Added Value to our Clients and Partners.
We are fully committed to attaining and complying with the requirements of ISO 9001 (2015) and the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System, operational processes.
We have an established set of key business objectives with achievable targets that are clearly defined and understood throughout the business.
Our mission statement is to ensure that we provide the right resources at the right time to maximise our clients’ business potential. We don’t want to be the biggest but we do want to be the best.
As our business continues to grow we work hard to keep these values at the core of our operation. We are a company that values individuals and teamwork, where people care about each other and share their knowledge freely.
We understand the importance of our staff and continually strive to include them fully in all our plans and develop them individually and as part of our team. We strive to enrich their working experience and attain a healthy work life balance.
Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Policy
Our core values of honesty, integrity and commitment to deliver on time every time are important to us. We are honest and transparent in all our dealings with clients, employees and associates.
We believe that we ensure the right resources for our clients and since these resources are primarily our people, both employees and associates, we have committed to prevent their injury and ill health, through adherence to and the continual improvement of our BS OHSAS 45001 management system.
We are aware that the world has limited resources and therefore we have committed to preventing pollution to conserve these resources for future generations and to maintain and continually improve an environmental system to ISO 14001.
We are aware of our legal and contractual obligations with regards to both health and safety and the environment and comply with them.
Along with our key business objectives we have determined appropriate health and safety and environmental objectives, which are achievable, clearly defined and understood throughout the business.
We understand the importance of our employees and associates and continually strive to include them fully in our plans and encourage active, relevant, participation in their own and colleagues’ health and safety. We strive to enrich their working experience and attain a healthy work life balance.
We believe that our policies, while reflecting our intentions when written, need to be reviewed regularly for continued suitability in an ever-changing world.